Kari Juvan veistos punaisten tulppaanien ympäröimänä Kari Juvan veistospuistossa Raahessa.

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Kari Juva Sculpture Park

The sculpture park consisting of sculptor Prof. Kari Juva’s works was established in Raahe in the summer of 2008. Sculpture park is a charming and lush artistic experience located at the corner of Rantakatu and Sovionkatu streets, where flowers frame the sculptures spectacularly.

The artist Juva was born in Helsinki in 1939. He spent his childhood and adolescence in Pyhäjoki and Raahe, among other locations. Juva’s art can also be enjoyed at Pyhäjoki Church, for which he designed the wall relief Ten Virgins in the 1970s, and in front of the Pyhäjoki town hall, where the bronze piece Pauhalla (On the Shoal) is located. Its smaller version, the Pauhavene boat can be found in the ball room in the Raatihuone town hall of Raahe.

Prof. Kari Juva donated 19 sculptures to the city of Raahe, which together are a cross-section of the artist's work from different decades. The works are sculptures cast in bronze. Later, the park has been completed with five works. The artist Juva donated plaster works to the city of Raahe, the bronze casting of which has been made possible by the city of Raahe, companies and individual friends of culture. The sculpture park received its most recent addition in the summer of 2021, when the Raahe Seura -society and the City of Raahe funded the casting of the sculpture Serenadi on the initiative of artist Jari Jansson, in honor of the Raahe Seura's 40th anniversary and Pekanpäivät 50th anniversary.

Kari Juvan veistos "Tyttö ja kala" veistospuistossa Raahessa.
Talvinen maisema Kari Juvan veistospuistossa Raahessa.
Kari Juvan veistos punaisten tulppaanien ympäröimänä Kari Juvan veistospuistossa Raahessa.
Kari Juvan veistos "Kitaratunti", jossa nainen soittaa kitaraa. Kari Juvan veistospuisto, Raahe.
Rantakatu 50
92100 Raahe

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