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The nature of the Raahe region offers splendid settings for birdwatching. Its maritime environment attracts numerous bird species. In spring, the busiest time for bird activity typically ranges from mid-April to the end of May. The autumn migration is significantly longer than the spring migration, lasting from September to the end of the autumn. Whether you're an experienced birdwatcher or just getting started in the world of birds, embark on an exploratory journey and experience the enchanting nature of the Raahe region in a new way!

Birdwatching spots in Raahe

  • The Ilolinna bird tower (Ilolinnantie 48) is located along the Pitkänkari walking trails. Pitkänkari is located near the center of Raahe and Pikkulahti beach. While observing birds, you can admire the maritime archipelago.
  • The Piehinki bird tower (Pohjaskarintie 116) is located south of the mouth of the Piehinki River, about 14 kilometers from the center of Raahe. The tower offers views of a vast open field, and at its peak, there is an observation shelter. There is also a campfire site at the base of the tower.
  • Pattijokisuu (Rivinrannantie) is one of the most well-known and popular birdwatching destinations in the Raahe region. The bird tower is located next to the Rivi's harbor.
  • The Mikonkari bird tower is excellent for observing migratory birds. The tower provides views of extensive wet meadows.
  • The Haapajärvi bird tower (Patotie 552) is located on the shore of Lake Haapajärvi. You can enjoy snacks in the shelter located on the shore while birdwatching.
  • The Satamalahti bird tower (Länsikalkka 3) is located along the Aittalahti nature trail. The place is excellent for observing waterfowl birds.
  • At Vihanti's Läntisranta (Läntisrannantie 92), there is a nature and heritage trail. Right from the starting point, you'll find the Rantasenjärvi bird tower. There are also plenty of other activities in the area, go to swim or take a break on the exercise equipment!

Birdwatching spots in Siikajoki

  • Tauvonniemi is one of the most well-known birdwatching locations in Northern Ostrobothnia. There you'll find the Tauvo Bird Station, which serves as the bird research center for the University of Oulu. In its yard, there's a bird tower suitable for observing migratory birds, offering a splendid view of Ulkonokka. Visitors to the station must contact the station managers in advance and obtain permission to stay there.
  • Tauvonniemi also hosts two other excellent spots for birdwatchers. Near the Tauvo Bird Station, you'll find the Tauvo Ulkonokka Bird Tower. On the other side of the bay lies the Merikylänlahti Bird Tower.
  • In the heart of Varessaäikkä (Varessäikäntie), there's a bird tower surrounded by stunning sandy beaches. Varessäikkä has become a favorite spot for many birdwatchers.
  • Hangasneva Bird Tower (Vihannintie 366) is located in Paavola, Siikajoki. The tower is built along the four-kilometer-long nature trail of Hangasneva. During spring, the area sees a plentiful amount of birds.
  • Karjoneva Nature Trail (Hoikanrannantie 420), also known as Karjonkierros, is situated in a wetland area. It's a significant breeding ground for wetland birds. The area features an observation platform and a hide.

Birdwatching spots in Pyhäjoki

  • Tankokari Bird Tower, located in Parhalahti fishing harbor (Tankokarinnokka 83), is one of the most well-known migration observation sites in Northern Ostrobothnia. The tower consistently performs well in the annual Tornien taisto competition organized by BirdLife Finland.
  • At Kielosaari (Vanhatie 73), you'll find a picturesque and lush nature trail. From the trail, you can access the adjacent small island, where the Kielosaari Bird Tower and a campfire site are located.