Elf Briskie has been wandering around the yards of Kauppakatu. He stops to hide from view and sighs heavily. Kauppakatu was the centre of commerce in the 1960s. Now it's quiet.

December has passed its halfway point, and Elf Briskie has been wandering the yards of Kauppakatu. He stops, hidden from view, and sighs heavily. Kauppakatu was the center of shopping in the 1960s, and in the run-up to Christmas the shop windows displayed one charming Christmas gift after another.
- There were dozens of shops along the shopping street, Briskie recalls, noting that Kauppakatu has become quiet. Fortunately, at least a few shops and service providers have brought their businesses to the formerly ever so busy area. Briskie delves into his memories.
- Hassinen's shop had all the Christmas sweets, chocolates and fruit, Briskie counts over in his mind and reveals that Hassinen also had items suitable for Santa's gift bag, such as aprons sewn by the lady herself and genuine Raahe-candies or kompiainen as the locals call them.
There was also the Laurinvaara's shoe shop, with a mechanical Santa Claus nodding in the window. The children were eager to see it. Briskie is pleased that the Laurinvaara house is still being used for business.
Additional Information (In Finnish)
Martti Nevalan artikkeli Raahen Joulu -lehdessä v. 2004
Suutarinverstas Monopoli
Naisten Ääni - Anneli Keski-Korsu
Naisten Ääni - Esteri Tokola
Naisten Ääni - Maj Fekete
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