It's midnight. The church bell has struck twelve times. Elf Briskie tiptoes into the courtyard of Oppitukka, the school for future hairstylists and beauticians, out of sight, and pulls out a lunchbox. This is a great place to take a small break.

It's midnight. The church bell has struck twelve times. Elf Briskie is sneaking around on Pekkatori. He has stopped to admire the magnificent Christmas tree.
Elf Briskie tiptoes into Oppitukka's courtyard, out of sight, and pulls out a lunchbox. The sandwiches remind him of Maria Liisa Eerikkilä (1880-1952), the baker of Katinhäntä. Liisa baked orders, for which customers brought the ingredients themselves.
- When she lived in this cottage in the courtyard of the Seutu market, she used to brew and serve coffee there to people from all over the province who were in town on business. You couldn't really talk about a café business nowadays, because the sturdy housekeeper used to serve her customers in the kitchen of her house, Briskie recalls.
Briskie also recalls Heikki Anttila, a horseman in the Seutu market, whose horse he secretly gave pieces of sugar to.
Anttila brought goods from the railway station to the main store in Pekkatori square, from there took the goods to the side stores and delivered purchases to the store's customers. The townspeople could also occasionally request transportation services from Anttila.
Additional Information (In Finnish)
Kirsti Vähäkangas: Tykövetua ja kiinnipitua - Meijän kaupunki tarinoi
Naisten Ääni - Maria Liisa Eerikkilä
Pekkatorin hius- ja kauneushoitoala
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