The Raahela field was used as an athletics field until 1938, when the Pitkänkari field was completed. Pitkänkari was used for sports until 1975. After that, Koivuluoto became the center of athletics in Raahe.

In 1914, a sports field was built next to Raahela. It was 256.5 metres long. The running track had steep curves and two lanes. On the front side there were four running tracks, long jump, high jump and pole vault areas. The surface of the track was made of crushed stone, as it is very resistant to the wear and tear of the track shoes.
The field was used as an athletics field until 1938, when the Pitkänkari field was completed. Athletics was practised at Pitkänkari until 1975. That was when the Koivuluoto field was completed.
On 29 July 1930, the first national athletics competition was held on the site. In that competition Ilmari Reinikka jumped a height of 191 cm, setting a Finnish record in the event at the time.
The matches in which the athletes from Raahe fought for supremacy against the naval teams are still remembered by the people of Raahe. People of colour as players were also seen in these matches - for the first time in Raahe.
There has even been a match at the Raahela ground that you could bet on with an official betting slip. The friendly match between Raahen Vesa and Raahen Ponnistus sports clubs was played as a Veikkaus (Finnish national betting agency) match in 1947.
Additional Information (In Finnish)
Juhani Tähjänjoki: Raahen kaupunki urheilu/liikuntalautakunta 1927-1987
Kirsti Vähäkangas: Juorupeili v. 2010 ja Rantakavun liepeiltä v. 2016
Raahen Matkailuoppaat ry - Urheilutalo Raahela
Raahen Kaupunki - Urheilutalo Raahela
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