Today's location is best remembered as the site of Rosa Sovelius' house. The house was home to the Hotel Pehr Brahe for a long time, but the hotel was destroyed by fire in 1981. Nowadays the site is home to the Kreivinaika, an activity centre for the elderly.

The people of Raahe remember this place as the house of Mrs. Rosa Sovelius (1857-1928). She bought the house in 1898 and lived there until her death. For a long time, the house was the Hotel Pehr Brahe. The house was destroyed by fire in 1981. The site is now home to the Kreivinaika, an activity centre for the elderly.
Eero Sovelius-Sovio tells the story of Christmas in the Sovelius family on the Raahe Museum website. He has interviewed members of the older generation and gathered information about kitchen secrets from the members of his extended family.
The Christmas dishes that a lot of Finns now collect in their shopping trolleys from the market shelves were prepared at home from the very beginning. Potatoes and root vegetables stored in people's own cellars were peeled, chopped and boiled for casseroles.
A table for adults was set up in the large dining room, with three extra branches on one side. People sat at the table in order of age, with the grandmother or Fammu as she was called at the head of the table and the consul Georg Sovelius on her right.
Additional Information (In Finnish)
Raahen Museo - Joulun viettoa Soveliusten kodeissa
Naisten Ääni - Rosa Sovelius
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