Ämmä, Äijä, and Iso-Soini have grown together, and the island is known as Ämmä-Äijä. The island is approximately 650 meters long and 400 meters wide.
Due to its close location, the island is a great destination for hiking both in summer and winter. The distance from Museonranta to the shelter on the island is 2.4 km.
The island has a good, shallow swimming beach. In summer, sheep help control the overgrown grass. Ämmä-Äijä is home to some of the most representative grove forests and coastal meadows, as well as species-rich dry and fresh meadows.
During bird migration season, wading birds such as the ruff, wood sandpiper, and spotted redshank can be spotted on the island.
Services include campfire site and benches, lean-to, wood shed, information sign.