In the 1870s and 1880s, Christmas flowers became part of the Finnish Christmas celebrations. The most traditional Christmas flower is the hyacinth, which was almost the only plant that could bloom in Finnish winter.

In the 1870s and 1880s, Christmas flowers became part of the Finnish Christmas celebrations. The most traditional Christmas flower in Finland is the hyacinth, because at the end of the 19th century it was almost the only plant that could be made to bloom in winter.
"The hyacinths that bloom on top of a piano at the Sovelius House, have been part of the Christmas season for a long time. Another favourite was the hellebore, which is harder to find nowadays. It has come back into fashion and is available at florists" (Raahe Museum)
Our national flower, the lily of the valley, was a popular Christmas flower in the late 19th century. It thrives in consistently moist and cool conditions. The stems of the flower can also be cut into a vase as a cut flower. If you put a rhizome in the cellar in autumn and bring it inside in November, the lily will bloom for Christmas and spread a wonderful fragrance around it.
There is no beating red poinsettia. It delights its owner by blooming for a long time. Large poinsettias are not as big of a sales hit nowadays: there is little room for large flowers in small apartment blocks. Even then, the poinsettia is still the most popular Christmas flower in Finland.
Additional Information (In Finnish)
Raahen Museo - Armas joulun aika
Kotiliesi - Tunnetko joulukukat?
Aki Pulkkanen: Pohjolan Joulu, perinteitä kekristä nuuttiin v. 2018
Pohde - Kuntouttava työtoiminta Raahessa
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